In my 16x25 room with vaulted ceiling the Lores are not light. 20 Hz? Well, no kidding, of course not. But they are quite well-balanced and bass is decent even for rock. I wouldn't use a sub if I had one. They are only 6" from the front wall (the near corner of each).
I think it is appropriate for Eric to be proud with the speaker's bass response and, frankly, he's right: there are lots of people that are used to/like/need an overripe midbass. The Zu Defs, despite extending lower, obviously, had similar bass characteristics: that is, neutral.
Cwazz, I have no idea what your room sounds like; none of that is directed at you.
The thing is, below 60-80 Hz the room is such an important component that no general conclusions can be drawn without considering it.
I think it is appropriate for Eric to be proud with the speaker's bass response and, frankly, he's right: there are lots of people that are used to/like/need an overripe midbass. The Zu Defs, despite extending lower, obviously, had similar bass characteristics: that is, neutral.
Cwazz, I have no idea what your room sounds like; none of that is directed at you.
The thing is, below 60-80 Hz the room is such an important component that no general conclusions can be drawn without considering it.