Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

In my 16x25 room with vaulted ceiling the Lores are not light. 20 Hz? Well, no kidding, of course not. But they are quite well-balanced and bass is decent even for rock. I wouldn't use a sub if I had one. They are only 6" from the front wall (the near corner of each).

I think it is appropriate for Eric to be proud with the speaker's bass response and, frankly, he's right: there are lots of people that are used to/like/need an overripe midbass. The Zu Defs, despite extending lower, obviously, had similar bass characteristics: that is, neutral.

Cwazz, I have no idea what your room sounds like; none of that is directed at you.

The thing is, below 60-80 Hz the room is such an important component that no general conclusions can be drawn without considering it.
"I know if I check your earlier post you compare the Lores to speakers costing thousands more. I beleive you actually called them the best AND,last speaker you would own."

Yes! And they could have very wel been, if it wasn't for the upgraditis :)

"I would love to be able to have multiple amps , preamps to compare with the Lores , but as everyone knows here this not a inexpensive hob."

Cwazz - do what most of us do, sell your front end, and buy something different for equivalent $ that is a better match. What exactly do you have again so we can make recommendations? You definitely have to be willing to take some chances. It may seem like I have all thos money to burn - I do not. I am just using $ I have brought in from equipment I have sold. I agree I do not have the money to go nuts - especially being a young family with 3 children
Sebroff I apreciate the help , the 35 amp was actually a intergrated amp. I am use to the sub woofer.I had volume at 8-9 depending on the music.
06-06-11: Cwazz
"Sebroff I apreciate the help , the 35 amp was actually a intergrated amp. I am use to the sub woofer.I had volume at 8-9 depending on the music."

Couldn't make it easy, eh Cwazz :)
The 35 watt tube integrated amp sounds like it should have been a pretty good match, and it does eliminate the Hafler so, well, ummm...I got nuthin' man. Sorry.
well sebrof the tube amp did cahnge the sound , but it just wasnt for me , so the search continues!!