Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Hey that's good news Genjamon.
I tried the "cross in front of you" toe in and didn't like it much either. But I'm not surprised about the difference in bass by moving only a few inches. Bass can be very finicky indeed. In my room I have the opposite problem in that bass can be boomy/heavy if it's not set up right. I have the advantage of a dedicated room so I can pretty much move around as I like.
I do understand the boomy/heavy issue as well. As I said, I ended up with the Lores about 15 inches from front wall. I started the experimentation at 6 inches. I moved them out a couple inches at a time, and in each case the bass became more balanced, defined, and less boomy. I was quite surprised that bass weight didn't change all that much between 6 inches and 15 inches. That's about 10 inches! The new position is only 5 inches from before experimentation, and there are light years of difference in bass response! Very strange... At least now I have found the right balance of definition and weight for my room, making the subwoofer optional at this point for when I want to be a bass freak.
Genjamon - with the Lores that close to the back wall, are you compromising 3D image and depth with that placement? Just curious...
when I had my Lores, the back of the speaker was at least 3 full FT off the back wall. Usually with front ported designs, the bass doesn't change as much when moving closer to a back wall... this is interesting findings but obviously every one has its own character.

Sebrof is in a smaller room so that explains why the Lores can overload the room easier.
Glad to hear you took the effort to get the room involved.
It makes a huge difference.
My room is 16X25 ft with 8ft ceilings. It's a early 50's ranch-style house, with suspended floor over crawl space. The room with the system is rectangular, with the house's front door on left wall at rear, 5 foot opening to dining room on right wall at rear, 3 ft opening to hallway on rear wall to the right. All these positions relative to listening position 1/3 of the way into the room from the rear wall. Speakers and system are along front wall, with rear of Lores now 15 inches from front wall, 17 inches from side wall. I have GIK tri-traps from floor to ceiling in front corners, GIK absorption at first reflection points, GIK diffusion panels on rear wall directly behind listening position and on front wall between Lores and the flat panel TV in the middle.

Yes, it's possible I've lost some soundfield depth not having them farther out in the room. Unfortunately, I'm not willing to have them 3+ feet into the room due to competing space needs for other room purposes, and I've never tried them that far out. Maybe the next time I have an afternoon free for plenty of experimentation I'll try that option and see what I think. For now, I'm quite happy I've found an option that doesn't require a subwoofer. There are some benefits to lower Lore bass output and using a subwoofer, in that I could use the multi-parametric EQ capabilities of my Behringer to deal with room modes very effectively. However, there are coherency negatives that Paul has mentioned, and I right now I'm enjoying them thoroughly without those coherency issues.