Does your system hate you when you ignore her?

I've not been able to listen to my system seriously for about 3 weeks. I just sat down to Emmylou Harris' " Red Dirt Girl" on HDCD. My first impression was that the soundstage was not as wide as I expected. I suppose that it's possible that components need to re-burn in after prolonged periods without being energized. I also suppose it's possible that one's trained listening skills may need refreshing after a period of atrophy.

Have you experienced similar things? What were the variables that you were able to eliminate, such as experiencing the same effect on two different systems, one rested and one not, in the same time period after not listening.
You might also consider the potential differences in the rooms temp and humidity levels which does affect a system's performance in measurable ways.

Aside from having to literally dust the cobwebs off my system and warm it up (10 tubes total) for about a hour at least, everything sounds awesome as it should :-)
I live in Texas and I dont want to turn it on much during the really hot months.

Audio systems do not change because they have not been turned on in three weeks. They do not need, or alter their performance due to "rest". 
I suggest that you are the inconsistent variable. 

I also suggest that if upon listening to your system at various times it does not satisfy, then you have not build that good of a system, and you need to consider significant changes to it.  :) 

Things that affect the sound change even though the system itself may not change. Does that surprise you? 

I've heard reports from a Pass owner that some of their amps can take 5 days to warm up.

The 5 days is a reference to what Mark at Reno HiFi recommends to run in a brand new Pass amp.  If you keep it in standby after the break-in period it only take 1 hr to warm up to optimal sonics.