Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I used a bag of lead and sand on top of the Lore's to eliminate cabinet resonance. The imaging was much improved over not having the bags on.
Just a thought until you can do the cabinet tweek.

Genjamon, I knew there was a serious listener in there.8;)
Question: have Lore or Omen owners ever paired these FRD speakers with low-powered solid state amps? I'm thinking specifically about a 40-watt Peachtree idecco. My father-in-law (not an audiophile, but audio-curious) asked me to put together a $2K 2-channel system that works with all his sources including the cable box, Blu-ray player, and his ipod. The idecco seems a great match for his sources and lifestyle, but clearly its MOSFET amp section is not the finest to to found. I'm thinking that we could make the most of it, though, by pairing it with an efficient FRD. The fact that Peachtree chose to exhibit its Nova (80 watts) with Zu Essences at a show a couple of years ago makes me think that the idecco and Lore combo might not suck (given all the compromises we're making to provide functionality and meet budget.)

Whaddya think?
Cymbop. I have had the exact same question. Will the idecco be enough to drive the Lore's at a high volume?
Has anyone tried to replace the Eminence Legend B102 drivers with something different (e.g. Eminence's other series)? I've wondered how much of an upgrade will the Lore have with the B102 is replaced with a more expensive driver. If it makes a difference, I would ask Eric to give us options to choose what drivers to install. There are several Eminence 10" drivers that are more sensitive than the Legend B102.