SUT's -Looking for one with some meat on the bones

I have Spendor D-7 speakers, with all tubes in my system.  The Spendor's are a little threadbare in the upper mids thru the lower highs in my listening room and I was trying to find a SUT with a little meat on the bones.  My wife runs from the room when I try to spin any LP's.  

  I am using a VPI Classic 3 Signature with a HANA SL cartridge.  I bought the Spendor's solely based on internet reviews, but am beginning to wish I had not.  I have never really cottoned to digital music and these speakers seem to go after that type of sound.   I am a lover of British speakers since the 70's, but these have zero relationship to what made me a fan of the UK sound.  

  Not trying to find a fat bloated sound, but very much miss the sweetness of acoustic instrument, string and vocals.  I may be suffering from oldtimers disease.  Analytical modern sound is not my idea of musical enjoyment I am afraid.
Sell the D7’s and buy a pair of Spendor Classic speakers.  I used SP100’s for over 15 years and they are very satisfying.  SP 1/2e or 2/3e have some similar qualities.  Avoid the R series because they mark the move away from the Classic sound and towards the modern analytical sound.
I’m not sure the SUT is the right component in the chain to tweak the issues you have described, but a cartridge is the most important in analog chain (imo). Maybe Hanna is not your type of sound?

Read more about Miyajima Shilabe or Kansui cartridges, and US importer will give you a free trial !!! So you can test it on your wife :))
You could try an active head-amp like the PICCOLO2, which would make things a bit more punchy.  It's very neutral tonally though, so you don't get the organics that come from a good SUT.  On the other hand, it makes dialing in loading super easy. 
I agree with chakster.  An SUT is not going to overcome the sound of your speakers.  No other components in your system will directly affect the sound as much as your speakers.  If you don't like 'em, change 'em.

Dear @mckinneymike : SUT is not the solution about " meat on the bones ".

Your problem belongs to many tubes in your electronics, tubes just can't do it. Chnge the mp by a good SS unit as has @three_easy_payments who owns same speakers and cartridge.

Please re-read the first post in your thread.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,