Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Cymbop: I have a pair of Omens as well as an iDecco. The iDecco normally lives on my desktop connected to a pair of Era D4s. I've tried the iDecco with the Omens a few times now and it sounds just ok. To be honest, I much prefer the 2wpc Bottlehead S.E.X. amp with the Omens. But while the iDecco is less than stellar with the Omens, it is quite good with the D4s on my desktop.
Jwidd: Yes, the iDecco will drive the Omens to an uncomfortably high volume level without clipping.

I believe you sold your Pendragons, correct? Do have your Lores anymore? I am interested to hear your thoughts on how the Pendragon compares to the Lores. Thanks.