I'd hoped for some comments. I've sent my CJs back for repair, but if they find nothing wrong or they are too expensive to fix then off to looking I go.
I'm driving Revel Salon Ultima2s which are really sensitive to amplification (and liked those Mac 601s I couldn't afford Mark L.) supplemented with a pair of Rel subs (each powered by their own amp).
I'm also open to suggestions about CDTransport and/or digital server (using an Oppo now which will no longer be supported). I also have PS Audio transport, Musical Fidelity, and Cambridge (I have different systems in different places and tend to be a hoarder). Currently I tend to use Tidal a bunch, but not for stone cold serious listening.
I could use some HELP/advice out there. This hobby used to be easier when there were limited choices and, as I have mentioned elsewhere I am in the hinterlands with limited opportunities to listen. What I need is $200k and 30 hits of Acid or Mushrooms and a month alone.
Brains and experience of the Audiogon world please emerge and enlighten. If I'm stupid I can take that too, but please be gracious.