And for another turn of events... I just placed an order for my 2nd pair of Tekton Pendragons this evening! I was able to try a very expensive exceptionally built and very good sounding $9K loudspeaker but ended up with the realization that the Pens are REALLY that good, and there are no better speakers for this audiophile. There is something special that the Tektons do that other speakers cannot seem to get right... speaking for the Lore and P-Dragon that is. This guy studies live music and his designs replicate it better than any other speaker I have owned.
Dare I list the herd of speakers I have owned in the past 3 years againÂ…
This will be the 1st time I returned to a speaker I got rid of. In a couple weeks I will have a new pair of Pens in beautiful satin white. What a ride it has been. I am truly blessed!
Dare I list the herd of speakers I have owned in the past 3 years againÂ…
This will be the 1st time I returned to a speaker I got rid of. In a couple weeks I will have a new pair of Pens in beautiful satin white. What a ride it has been. I am truly blessed!