Best Analog for $10K

I’ve spent considerable money and time assembling a great all-digital two-channel audio system. I want to experience vinyl reproduction. My budget is $10-12K for turntable, arm, cartridge, phono cable, and phono stage.
Two things I do not want. One is to get on a spiraling upgrade path. The second is to avoid too much fiddling and tweaking and adjusting.
I am open to used or refurbished equipment, as well as new gear.
I primarily listen to Jazz and Rock music. Very little classical.
J A Michell Gyro SE plus Techno Arm w/Dynavector 20x2L, Manley Labs Chinook phono stage, Manley Labs Jumbo Shrimp line stage.......Goose Bump City! Plus you get to tube roll!! How fun.  Once you set the Turntable up you dont have to fiddle, just enjoy :-)

And less than 10K

Matt M

P.S. IMO if you dont have at least 2,000 records you may just want to stay digital. Source material will be your main problem, its harder now to find good original clean sounding albums, NEW pressings often times will disappoint.


I think the question should be, what is the best analog for you for $10,000. You have more than enough of a budget to have yourself a really nice set up. 

Do you have any local audio stores, where you can start to learn in person, more about the different brand turntables , phono preamps and cartridges to choose from?

That's the problem I have. I live in rural Wyoming. The closest audio stores are about 5 hours away in Denver. I've built an entire audio system by reading audio reviews or recommendations, making a short list, and trying to listen to some of those components at dealers or audio shows. Then I try to purchase items I'm interested in, either as used or dealer demos. I might bring in three DACs or amplifiers, listen to them in my own system for a month or two, and keep the components I love. I can usually resell the rest and not get stung too badly. I'm a little afraid of moving turntables around, as they seem more delicate than other gear.
Technics 1200G. I doubt you find anything much better and its a lot less. Now if you going to spend 20K+, well then I might say well yes, there are better.  Buy an Acoustic Systems Arche' Headshell and a Lyra Delos and you are set.  Thats about 7G or so.