Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Sounds like you have some extra cash to put into an amp, but if you were cash strapped like I am most of the time. I purchased the parts express dta-100. Mini Tri Amp 100watts. It sounds great and work really well with high sensitivity speakers.

I know you probably want something better, but I thought I would throw it out there. For the price I am impressed.
Hi. Knowing the Tektons well (I've had 2 pairs and the third on the way) I would go with tubes. Tubes bring out the best of them. No comparison.
The only time I heard a SS amp with this type of speaker was when I compared Zu Omens and Tekton Lores at a friend's house. He hooked his Carver amp to the Omens and within a minute we all agreed we needed to hook up the tube amp we had there. The tube amp was much better for the Omens, so I assume the Lores would have sounded bad with the Carver also.
How the Emotiva fits in I do not know.
My opinion. I would get the Tekton's because they're tons cheaper and Eric is probably putting out equal quality speakers because he's trying to gain a name for himself. He worked with the Zu guys and being a smaller outfit, can cater to your needs a little better. From what I see on Agon, most people play with flea watt and then leave it soon after. There's no sense in breaking the bank in this economy.
Capellaudio - looking closer at your post, it sounds like you are big into home theater. In this case the Emotiva amp may be ok. I have not owned Emotiva (with the exception of a VERY brief stint with the pre-amp), but from what I have heard at 2 Axpona shows, it is great for home theater... but I was not that impressed for music even with their own speakers. After listening to high quality for years, it just sounded less refined and natural to me and at times sibilant. This year's Emotiva set up was better, but not enough to make me walk out the room saying "I have to have that."

Why don't you wait a week for me to receive my Pendragons. I have a Marsh A400S (200w solid state) that I am going to break them in with... and I will have a report on how they sound with a powerful ss amp. I also believe the Marsh is a cut above in quality compared to Emotiva and can be had for the same price on the Gon.