Capellaudio - looking closer at your post, it sounds like you are big into home theater. In this case the Emotiva amp may be ok. I have not owned Emotiva (with the exception of a VERY brief stint with the pre-amp), but from what I have heard at 2 Axpona shows, it is great for home theater... but I was not that impressed for music even with their own speakers. After listening to high quality for years, it just sounded less refined and natural to me and at times sibilant. This year's Emotiva set up was better, but not enough to make me walk out the room saying "I have to have that."
Why don't you wait a week for me to receive my Pendragons. I have a Marsh A400S (200w solid state) that I am going to break them in with... and I will have a report on how they sound with a powerful ss amp. I also believe the Marsh is a cut above in quality compared to Emotiva and can be had for the same price on the Gon.
Why don't you wait a week for me to receive my Pendragons. I have a Marsh A400S (200w solid state) that I am going to break them in with... and I will have a report on how they sound with a powerful ss amp. I also believe the Marsh is a cut above in quality compared to Emotiva and can be had for the same price on the Gon.