Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Capellaudio - re: "How does the pendagons compare to the big boys b&w ,Martin logan,kef,Polk"..

There is not enough room here to answer your question, so we would have to take it off line. Feel free to email to discuss. But I will just repeat what I just recently told a friend... and that is, I would go as far to say that if driven by good electronics, the Pendragon could run with much more expensive speakers. They make these $9K Graybeards I had with all classic series Scan-Speak drivers sound like a toy. The Pendragon is closest I have ever been to live musicÂ…

The fact is, there is a huge dichotomy in high end audio that believes that big expensive conventional speakers are it for high end, but this technology surpasses conventional logic IMO and from what I am hearing. The sound is extremely open and effortless, reminiscent of a planar or electrostatic, yet has all the benefits of a moving coil/dynamic loudspeaker in the sense that it plays full range with no compression. As long as you have the room and can place the speakers at least 8ft a part, this system is something special... which is why I went back to them ... representing the first time I have done that.

I am breaking mine in now with my 200w Marsh A400S amp... and to my surprise, the sound is AWESOME!!! I tried an Adcom with my last pair and did not like it, but this combo is a beautiful match. After a while I put my 12w Xindak class A tube amp in and see what that does.
Lolol I'm actually gonna purchase them from a friend that's selling them on audiogon ..... Lol like I said hearing is the real test.... If I don't like them I will sell them but I'm taking into consideration the oppurtunity to capitalize on a pair of these ..... How much did the amp run you..... As like I said b4 I would need a crah course in tube amp.... I can't imagine the same names that applies for ss amps applies for tubes some of these vendors Are like a beta map to me .......... I'm gonna audition 2-3 pairs and sell the ones I don't like but the first one I'm gonna pick up is the pendragons ...... Can you say road trip ....:-)))))
Has anyone tried any Red Wine Audio with their Lores or siblings? With Vinnie's new 15 watter coming out, I'm anxious to try his newer stuff. I had a 30.2 integrated that I sold a couple years ago to go cheaper and still nice with the Miniwatt, then with the Ampino. But I haven't heard his stuff with the new battery technology nor with the tube buffer, and I'm getting curious as to how they'd work with the Lores. Thoughts?
Anyone compared the lore to a magnepan 1.7 or 1.6? I know we are talking of 2 different types of speakers here but i was just curious.
Happy listening Dan
Well I had 1.6s years ago, same room but completely different gear. For me it was the fact that in my small room 12' x 13' x 9' the Lores are a better fit. And I did the whole flea power amp thing, once I did that there was no going back...for now anyway.
I don't really remember the Maggies that well, but I did have a sub with them, and I don't need a sub at all with the Lores, no way no how.
If I had 1.6s now I would consider the Lores a sideways move maybe, certainly not a downgrade.