Tekton Pendragon update: this is for the "Lore-based" Pendragon update... I have about 10 days of almost straight playing time on them now. I have realized quite a difference now that they are spread out a bit... they like at least 7.5ft part and the more the better. With that set up, imaging is spot on and the soundstage wide with great depth. These speakers are just tremendous. They are so much more "convincing" than the $9K Greybeards were. The other day I was listening to a live recorded Hillsong cd track and it pressurized my entire room. Not sure what is more convincing than that. But on another note, they sound great at any volume, and always very full. There is no weakness to this speaker, other than for some it is going to be too big. I won't be getting rid of these unless my room shrinks. Finally there..
I'll be hooking up my 12w Xindak this weekend. I listened to it briefly the other day, and compared to the powerful ss Marsh, the sound is sweeter and with greater depth / holographic effect. It is also a bit more musical and with a nicer "tone" with the tube amp. But it obviously won't play as loud and effortless as it does with the Marsh. It also seems to have extremely powerful lower bass with the Marsh simply because there is just so much power on tap - this is a 4ohm speaker and the Marsh puts out 350w into 4ohms... WHAT an amazing experience on a 98db speaker! Talk about dynamics and a complete lack of compression... WOW!
I'll be hooking up my 12w Xindak this weekend. I listened to it briefly the other day, and compared to the powerful ss Marsh, the sound is sweeter and with greater depth / holographic effect. It is also a bit more musical and with a nicer "tone" with the tube amp. But it obviously won't play as loud and effortless as it does with the Marsh. It also seems to have extremely powerful lower bass with the Marsh simply because there is just so much power on tap - this is a 4ohm speaker and the Marsh puts out 350w into 4ohms... WHAT an amazing experience on a 98db speaker! Talk about dynamics and a complete lack of compression... WOW!