Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I'm glad you're enjoying them. If only I had a bigger room. Oh well. Looks like my loss was your gain. My Lores arrived yesterday and I couldn't be happier. Everything is right again.
Hi all ! Evank... I think the veneer is $250 or $300 upcharge . Rsfphil....That 4 ohm load on the Pendragons is what steered me to the Lores . My small tube amp doesnt like low ohms . These Lores are just fantastic .
I am running Pendragons with a 11 watt Xindak amp and it is plenty of power. I am getting powerful, tight bass with beautiful tonality and very articulate upper bass. I wouldn't be inclinded to think a 4ohm load is big deal as long as it is linear. Capellaudio bought those Pens and described his room as being small... I would conclude that would be the issue. The Pendragons need more than just 10x12 or so room to play or they will overwhelm the room. It sounds like they were a bad match with that Scott amp as well... but lets not be quick to such a conclusion that it is a 4ohm problem... because as I said my little chinese amp has no problem whatsoever. Since I replaced the tubes, I am getting crystal clear beautiful sound that transcends the Lore by a fairly wide margin (as it should re the price difference), and with that I am off the upgrade train finally! That is not to say that the Lores don't sound similar.. as they are great and surely do.. but the Pens recreate the live event better as they have a much thicker, and more powerful bottom and play more open due to the design with the triple tweeter array.

This gentleman clearly downgraded because in his room, simply less is more.
Hi GPowered,
I think your point is worth emphasizing as most people on these boards simply read good or bad, but one big key is matching speaker with room! The Lores are amazing in a small room at nearfield, but I am sure the Pendragons, which are very similar to my Omen Defs, would be much better suited in a larger room. Not that the Lores are bad in a large room, but just not as large of a soundstage, less dynamics, and less bass than the larger speakers. Maybe one day I will get to compare the Pendragons to the Omen Defs. That would be a better comparison, and my guess is that I would prefer the tweeter in the Pendragons over the OD's.
Good points made above regarding matching speakers to the room. I had an epiphany of sorts last year when I dropped the small Katz Meows in my 12' x 13' room. I had been fighting trying to get good sound in here for several years with Maggie's, Martin Logan's and Klipschorns, all good speakers but never sounded right. The Katz with the 8" main really opened my eyes because as soon as they started to play I realized my main problem was speakers that were too big for the room. I've since had Zu Omens and now Lores and I fight no more.