Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

MrKoven - I am not sure if anybody here has a m-lore yet? Anybody...? The m-lore has certainly been overlooked, but with 2 spectacular reviews now, obviously it has slipped under the radar (though that is about to change). I owned Lores prior to upgrading to Pendragons,and I easily could have lived with them for a long time. I think, in your room, you can't go wrong w either, but ,why not save a few and go with the m-lore. I certainly would for a small room system. Your amp should be great. Keep us informed.
re: Genjamon

It's funny you mention the M-lore as I was also considering these for my needs since they are smaller and cheaper than the Lore. They also use a soft dome tweeter which I ususally like more than metal domes.

The only problem is no one has heard the M-lore, except for the review poseted by Michael02467 which basically says the M-lore is a nicer speaker than the 2x priced ZU Omen which if true is pretty amazing.

Anyone here have experiance with the Mini Lore?
Posted about M-Lore last night, don't know why it didn't show up, but the M-Lore got the Major Mojo Award.
well i placed an order for satin white m-lore's yesterday, eric told me 5-6 days before it ships, so i'll post some thoughts when it arrives, thanks for the stereomojo link too, nice read
still not sure on the m-lore's lower frequency reproduction; might sacrifice my custom veneer if they haven't sold out of the Oriel 10 yet. Seems that the Oriel 10 and M-lore drivers are reasonably similar.