Most annoying song, period.

Sorry if I'm replicating a thread.    I've been wanting to say this for years:  Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up.  What's yours?
@rockysantoro I was about to play "Frampton Comes Alive" last night on Tidal  and I literally said to myself, nah too annoying.

@jacksky When I was planting trees up in northern Canada close to 30 years ago I decide to serenade the rest of the tree planting crew with Roxanne and other Police hits while we waited for a helicopter. The looks on the crews faces made me think that I had done the best rendition of Roxanne or the most annoying.

Agree, Eddie singing in the cell in 48 Hours is a classic scene.
@rockysantoro--OP didn't ask for most annoying albums but if he had "Frampton Comes Alive" would also have been at the top of my list--i wonder how it sounds played backwards ?  Won't ever know cause thankfully i don't own it !!!
Not sure if they are already gone, but if not Micharl Bolton and Barry Manilow