Geroge, that was actually pretty useful information with your mate's Wilson.
Now, the fact that we are talking about the Alexia, its an extremely difficult load for any amp. The focal sopra 2 on the other hand is very easy load. With easier load speakers, a delicate yet dynamic amp might be able to beat a powerful amp. If we assume your mate's speakers are a pair of easy higher efficiency load, it might not take Antillion to beat the JC1 than, maybe diablo 300....
I LOVE my JC1, but I am not sure its the end game type of amp. Otherwise stereophiles Michael Fremer would be rocking them, instead of a pair of dartzeel monoblocs (~$150000).
Now, the fact that we are talking about the Alexia, its an extremely difficult load for any amp. The focal sopra 2 on the other hand is very easy load. With easier load speakers, a delicate yet dynamic amp might be able to beat a powerful amp. If we assume your mate's speakers are a pair of easy higher efficiency load, it might not take Antillion to beat the JC1 than, maybe diablo 300....
I LOVE my JC1, but I am not sure its the end game type of amp. Otherwise stereophiles Michael Fremer would be rocking them, instead of a pair of dartzeel monoblocs (~$150000).