R.I.P: Rest In Peace Roy Johnson, Green Mountain Audio's Genius


It is with heavy heart that I bring to you the heart breaking news of the passing of one of audio's true geniuses. Roy Johnson passed away this week after a long battle with cancer. He was a truly brilliant speaker designer, and true friend, and an amazing person. For those of us lucky to have known him as customers or friends we know he was infinitely committed to lending a hand, imparting his wisdom, solving problems and creating some of the most amazing loud speakers ever heard.  There were often gremlins in my system not centered around his loudspeakers and Roy would literally drop everything and help me trace down problems, while all the time educating and teaching me, not for gain, not for money, but because that's who Roy Johnson was. 

He will be greatly missed for his humor, his dedication, and his selflessness in audio and in life.

Rest in Peace Dear Friend,

You Are Loved
you are right lets just turn a blind eye to all those innocent people who have according to some reports lost a lot of money or been betrayed. 
The man has passed away and cannot defend himself against what anyone on the net cares to say.  I am uncomfortable with these latest posts and don’t think they should remain here.  Mods take a look.  Just not the right place or time. 
Apparently, csmgolf is unaware of estate law (me too but I’ve always wanted to say that)!  Anyway, maybe there is some recourse for those who got screwed.  You can contact a lawyer to go after his estate.  ITS PROBABLY NOT WORTH IT THOUGH BECAUSE THERE WASNT MUCH OF AN ESTATE AND THE SPEAKERS YOU WERE WAITING FOR WERE PROBABLY SOLD BY ROY OR WHOEVER WAS LEFT AFTER HE PASSED!

For all those who loved the man, I’m not saying Roy wasn’t a great designer.  I AM SAYING that those of us who’ve known him for a long time or tried to do business with him, know (knew) the real Roy.  On that note, I’ll leave it at that and no longer comment on his character.

Moving forward, for those that still own his speakers, enjoy them.  They really are some of the best designs you can own.  
Those fortunate enough to have the Calypsos or the Pico Medeo have some of the most musically dynamic and expressive speakers ever built.  Feed them well and treat your room properly and take comfort in knowing that even $100k speakers from Wilson don’t even come close to what you already own.  That is my opinion so it’s pretty much fact 🙄.  Just kidding but really, I’m serious.
Grannyring, please allow the mods to look at my feedback if credibility is what you seek.  Have a glass of scotch and take it light.  Just because a little truth tastes like sour milk in your cereal doesn’t give you the right to keep others experiences from this thread.  If you some how get our posts removed (I’d hope the mods can allow some sanity to prevail here) then you will have accomplished nothing other than us having to start a new thread.  
Relax, Roy was a great designer.  Some people have concerns (people got swindled) though and you should mind your business.  This is the perfect place for them to seek retribution.  The proper audience is in attendance.