flat4, thank you for your extended discussion. It's nice to have further confirmation that Schroeder Method was agreeable to your Crown Class D amp. These are important data points to address the initial concern that was voiced to me regarding use with Class D amps. As more evidence accrues it may be concluded eventually that Schroeder Method is compatible with Class D universally. I hesitate to make such a sweeping statement now, because there always could be a weird topology in an amp that might react poorly. I am still a long way from having it demonstrated to be absolutely benign operationally. But, it's moving in the right direction!
I'm not surprised at all that the Crown amp's performance was lifted by Schroeder Method. I have never had an occurrence where an amp's performance was not elevated by the Method. This is further confirmation of my belief that the double IC would benefit any price range of cables and components. I believe it can, with the proper interconnects, outperform nearly all passively networked cables regardless of cost.
You can either make your own Schroeder Method XLR cables or buy them from vendors. I am still using assembled Clarity Cable Organic ICs conjoined by Audio Sensibility XLR Y Cables (NOTE: the terminations of the Y cables for this function must be opposites, as the terminations of XLR cables are not identical). I believe ANTICABLES, Audio Sensibility and Acoustic BBQ would make Schroeder Method XLR ICs. The information coming back to me at this point is that a manufactured Schroeder Method cable is superior sonically to an assembled one. However, with my experimentation the assembled ones are advantageous for reviewing.
I currently have the double ICs feeding some prodigious Monos that are on review. Unassailable sound quality!