Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Goramen - that space is going to be tight but possible if your room is treated, especially in the corners. You have to be sure that you can spread them nicely. Mine are about 7.5ft apart, and I sit the same distance away. But one thing is for sure: the Dragons are a completely different animal. I still get floored by how much I was missing prior. Other full range speakers I owned can't contend either.
Sorry I've read a good bit of this thread but not all.

I get that the Lore's do loud and live really well and give up detail for "presence" but how are they for quiet and intimate - like late at night when the rest of the house is asleep?
When you say how much you where missing,Do tell your discovery's.
Can you give specifics related to songs,for example when I upgraded the Lores symbols when being struck gave a deeper pitch with more shimmer and an extended ring in Bjork's Debut album."Come to me" is the best example but it was very noticeable through out the whole album.
This song led me to put the stock caps back in one speaker foe a couple of days for a head to head comparison.
So my findings are verified not on some distant memory but in real time.That is just one example of the out come of the total upgrade there are a few.
Floosh, In my opinion the drivers and basic design of the Lores are very capable of the highest resolution as well as getting loud and sounding live.I often listen to mine late after my wife and son are sleeping.If your handy with a soldering iron the Lores have far more to offer if not send Eric the parts you want installed after placing your order.
You will not find a speaker that responds to even the most subtle changes more so than the Lore.

The Lores can be detailed and dynamic yet smooth as silk, and even stock as there price you will most likely be pretty happy.
The lores however will respond very noticeably to even small upgrades so future money spent is never a waste.
At this moment I am looking at Cardas binding posts. http://www.soniccraft.com/products/connections/bindingpost/cardas_ccgg.htm

I believe the Lores will like the 24k gold over solid copper
The posts on the Lores are very nice and are far better than I would ever expected for speakers at a grand.
But once more every upgrade I have made, The Lores have responded to it.
A good friend of mine came over to hear the Lores yesterday.
He is into stuff in the latest reviews of stereophile magazine for example his most current system is Audion golden dream monos,a Conductor Audio Valve pre and Zingalli speakers. He also has the biggest upgraded Walcotts and Sound Lab panels to mention just two of his setups.

When he came over and listened he was so impressed by the Lores it was the constant topic for more than a couple of hours as song after song was requested.We finally got to go for Mexican food as I was starving and when we got back the requests soon resumed.This was for me the ultimate review as he has been into the high end since the 60's and has never been far out of the loop.
One thing that was brought up is when the recording is forward presented the Lores are forward and when the recording is 10 rows back so are the Lores.I had not noticed this for my self.he listened at low volume, moderately high volume on axis off axis ect..
I was surprised at his interest in them to be honest because his stuff is so much more up the ladder economicly speaking.
His final comment was the only thing missing on these speakers is a flashy gold bage with a $20,000+ brand name!
Do tell your discovery's. Can you give specifics:

Much more realistic dynamics and bass weight; extension far superior. For instance, a bass guitar and bass drum sounds crystal clear and defined, with great harmonic texture. You hear a low end in recordings that was non existant prior. The soundstage is also wider and more expansive. The highs? Both are excellent, but the Pendragon extends taller and wider with the triple tweeter array. The Lore is fantastic, but thre P'dragon sounds so close the the real thing it is quite scary. The Lore may produce equal or greater depth though, since it is single driver and the P'dragon needs more room (esp off the back wall) to create the same depth effect. The Pendragon is the last speaker I buy unless I run out of room for them. ;o) seriously they ran me out of gas.... it simply ended the seemingly endless quest of speaker turnover... TG