Electric feedback from water circulation pump

I have an electrical hum coming from my speakers (95 db sensitivity) whenever my whole house well water circulation pump turns on (which occurs anytime a faucet or shower is turned on).  I have a dedicated 20 amp line to my listening room and this line is at lest 7 feet away from the pump.  I believe the noise is coming from energy back fed from the pump into the breaker box.

I contacted my well company and they indicated this is a problem that usually affects TV images (mine are fine) and recommended I install a capacitor at the breaker box which will absorb the back feed of energy coming from the pump.  I did this and there was no improvement.

I just had a Powerworx clean energy/surge protector added to each of our three electrical panels due to a recent lightening strike of my house (an ounce of prevention... I know).  It was also purported to likely help the above issue.  It did not.

My next move is to either invest in a power regenerator or power conditioner for in my room.  If that does not help then my final move might be to install a pressurized holding tank so that the pump does not run as often.  I am unsure of the cost or feasibility of this and therefore reserve it as a final option.

Any recommendations regarding power conditioning in this specific situation are welcomed.  Thanks!

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You should invest and have a holding tank installed. Without a holding tank you will burn out that well motor prematurely. You don’t want that well pump kicking on continuously! If you decide to get a holding tank you should get the largest one that will fit in your space!
Thanks yogiboy for the advice.  I will look into it.  Fortunately the space is not an issue.