Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Morganic and Sionlim you live 2 hours from me in Roseville just out from Sac.
I would have thought most of you where on the East coast.

thanks for the invite i will cordially accept. Other than this weekend as i am heading to Tahoe to look for the now elusive snow! I was looking at the Lore S as well. I do believe that the Pendragons might be tad to big and bassy for me, but i can switch them out with main set in the living room. I love full range speakers and every speaker that i threw out seems to be more HI Fi in nature. The last to go was the triton 2 very bass heavy and was impossible to control, also the neighbors were not happy with them at all.
THe past year i went through 2 speakers which i coulden't live with the Tritons and the Mag 1.7. I did go to another audiogoner place to try the VR 33 not hi fi sounding to me. but i left uncertain as it seemed to want more power than the Ayons can give. So the high DB of the tektons and price to performance ratio are very enticing. I was going to order a new set of interconnects and spk cables as well, and together they are more expensive than the Lore!
choices i decided - and be free to comment or advise are
morrow audio MA4 balanced-tried their cheapest and it killed the Kimber PBJ and Audioquest in all areas.
Black cat- as Socrates seems to like em.
Virtue Audio- cheapest of the bunch , but stereomojo loves em and i like mojo because they advertise what i like most-heh heh heh if u get the drift
And last but not least skyline 1200 as a few reported its like amazing in all areas.- but expensive
ive given up on all BRANDED way insane prices of the staple stuff.
PS its the first time im actually spending money on cables as i never had any left after spending on the back and front end of a system.-so exciting!!!
If you guy's head a little further north shoot me an email and stop in for an audition and a beer.
This thread has had me drooling over the Lores for some time now. Well, I finally placed my order last week and Eric said they should ship soon(ish).

I also have a Decware CSP2+ tube preamp on order to pair with my Odyssey Khartago, but that'll be another few months yet until it's ready. I'm hoping the tube preamp, SS amp, and lore combination has good synergy.

I'll post some pics of the unboxing event when the Lores arrive, and share my pre-warm-up thoughts on how they sound with my current set-up.

Needless to say, the anticipation is slowly killing me :)
02-10-12: Rischa
"I'm hoping the tube preamp, SS amp, and lore combination has good synergy."

I have a few tube amps (2A3 SET, PP EL84, SE EL34...) and the Lores sound good on all of them. I even have a vintage SS Yamaha receiver (R-2000) and the Lores sound good with that as well. I believe it's because the Lores are such an easy load that the amps loaf along and play their best.