Wondering if anyone could speak to how they're trying to affect the Lore sound w/ DACs, cables, etc. What do you find that you're trying to increase/decrease in terms of highs, lows, detail, etc.
I'll be starting with low-fi SS power, which I'll look to replace w/ a budget tube amp in the not too distant future, but first will come a DAC. The two emergent candidates are the Grant Fidelity TubeDac-11 and the Schiit Bifrost. (Both ~$350) I'd love to know if anyone has thoughts on which might have better synergy w/ the Lores? My hunch is the Bifrost may be the more clinical/resolving of the two but I'm not sure of that.
I'll be starting with low-fi SS power, which I'll look to replace w/ a budget tube amp in the not too distant future, but first will come a DAC. The two emergent candidates are the Grant Fidelity TubeDac-11 and the Schiit Bifrost. (Both ~$350) I'd love to know if anyone has thoughts on which might have better synergy w/ the Lores? My hunch is the Bifrost may be the more clinical/resolving of the two but I'm not sure of that.