Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Tubes do make a noticeable difference,and even the difference between UL and triode can be very different and we could go into an amp being anolitical or even very warm.
And once more I was painting with to broad a brush to make a finer point.So thanks for calling me on it.

My point was simply this,to meany times I have seen people attack a major problem by making changes to everything but the problem.
for example.

1.A guy gets a very forward and bright pair of horn speakers and changes interconnects,speaker cables and then moves all the furniture in his house then covers the place with room treatments, then finality after a year of changing everything else decides the problem is actually the speakers.
Always start with the most likely link in the chain for example if you never had the problem before,what was the last thing you added or changed?
Sound simple? for some it is not,they want the new componate to work so badly they will exhaust every possible avenue.
When all else fails, reason comes on like a bad hang over and they admit they chose crap.And all the cables and clip on devices won't change that!
I'm not saying amps, tubes ect.. won't make a difference,it just seems so meany people are lead to spending money on very expensive interconnects and other magic beans instead of careful shopping and common sense. And there are so meany snake oil selling crooks,that mislead and down right burn people out of a lot of money for worthless crap in a shinny wrapper.
"There's a sucker born every minute,you just happened along"
Tom Waits quoting P.T.Barnum

That statement is alive and well in audio today,so forgive me if I tend to become a little vocal from time to time but I hate seeing people given bad advice,even if it is the popular opinion of the day.
And trust me when I say,I have seen manufacturers of cables and other stuff mislead people who are still novice and trying to learn or worse people who should know better but desperate to solve a major problem cheaply.
Hi Goraman, great example and you described me in my early years, gave me a hearty chuckle. Good thing I learn fast. Best!
Goramon, nice thrashing of a strawman.

Who's harping on cables? I may have included them a couple of weeks ago as an "etc" when questioning what sort of upgrades/tweaks people may have found useful. That's it. And you've been in crusade mode since.

And you're the guy touting his upgraded binding posts, upgraded internal wiring, tweeter deffractors, speaker spikes, and the new Jolida DAC you rolled 1 week after recommending your Little Dot. Plus all the times you've mentioned how revealing Lores are of EVERY upgrade and tweak you've made.

I value your opinion and experience but, jeeze, lighten up.
All very important to keep in mind, Goraman. I'm glad you made those points. The trouble for me, as I've been down that road of tweaking things when I needed to make a significant change, is that you don't know what you don't know. This is probably the biggest issue for novices or those without the technical engineering background to know crap marketing when they see it. Unfortunately, these online forums merely fan the flames of desire most of the time. If you call people out on their crap marketing, it becomes a pissing match, and the novice/amateur is left wondering who to trust. Ultimately, it ends up being a lot of trial and error and building up of experience. At least that's what my experience has been.

I'm disadvantaged in living two hours outside of Kansas City, the nearest major metropolitan area. I think there's only one or two dealers in the whole area, and I just don't have the chance to check out stuff in-person. In my case, the internets giveth in terms of access to a profound diversity and wealth of equipment options, but they taketh in the difficulty of discerning truth from fiction, as well as in figuring out whether my tastes/ears have anything in common with the reviewer or forum post author.
Hi all ! Rayray8......just be patient , you will be rewarded with great sound and great dynamics.