I auditioned and listened extensively to A2, A4. A7, and D7 at dealer with Audio Research amps and Rega amps and Ayre amps.
I loved the A2 and A4 at their price points. They really sound fantastic and musical.
Initially I went into my extensive speaker search journey (20-25 speakers auditioned for extended periods over several months) with a $5k speaker budget. I was liking the A7s and leaning that way.
Then I heard the D7s and I knew I had to have them. I had spent an hour listening to the A7, and then went straight to D7 audition. WOW. The sound was on a completely different level - so much more refined to my ears. I had read all the mag reviews saying Spendor was such a laid back speaker (some said almost boring) but this D7 sounded anything but laid back. The highs were perfect and for me it just checked every box. I pair them with ARC and MIT cables and I am very happy.
My second system has Spendor SA1s.
Other speaker brands that sounded good to my ears during extended listening sessions during my quest were Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, and Vandersteen.
But nothing beat the Spendor D7’s for my ears
I loved the A2 and A4 at their price points. They really sound fantastic and musical.
Initially I went into my extensive speaker search journey (20-25 speakers auditioned for extended periods over several months) with a $5k speaker budget. I was liking the A7s and leaning that way.
Then I heard the D7s and I knew I had to have them. I had spent an hour listening to the A7, and then went straight to D7 audition. WOW. The sound was on a completely different level - so much more refined to my ears. I had read all the mag reviews saying Spendor was such a laid back speaker (some said almost boring) but this D7 sounded anything but laid back. The highs were perfect and for me it just checked every box. I pair them with ARC and MIT cables and I am very happy.
My second system has Spendor SA1s.
Other speaker brands that sounded good to my ears during extended listening sessions during my quest were Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, and Vandersteen.
But nothing beat the Spendor D7’s for my ears