Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I bought the Pendragons to use in a HT system I like them so much that now i.am working on upgrading all my electronics to see just how good these speakers can be.beautifully balanced great dynamics if you like live sound you will LOVE the Pendragon's.My present set up is Integra 9.9,Anthem MCA 5,Paradigm Reference center and surrounds servo 15 sub.My peference is integrateds with ht bypass looking at luxman 505u,Primaluna Dialogue two and Audio Research vSI60 asking for recommendations.Eric a great guy to work with is making me a center for HT.these speakers are special they deserve the best you can afford to get the best from them.
Hi all ! I agree that it is fun to see what
great electronics do with these speakers . I am using an Ayon CD-2s cd player , a Cary slp-05 pre with a Cary v12 amp . Sounds quite dynamic and musical . Dont really feel the need to " upgrade" these speakers , although if my room was bigger I would get the Pendragons .
Just saw that Steve Lefkowicz has a review of the Tekton Lores on Positive Feedback Online.
03-25-12: Rolandbutcher
Just saw that Steve Lefkowicz has a review of the Tekton Lores on Positive Feedback Online."

I think he liked them ;)
Hi all ! Yes indeed , another positive review for the Lore . This speaker will hopefully remain unchanged for a very long time , a classic for sure .