Magnepan 1.7 i - Amp suggestions

Dear Amigos !

Once again thank you for all your Help last time helping me to decide on some Speakers ! Very valuable !

I finally did get the Magnepan´s 1.7. With the kind help from Peru´s Magnepan Distributor I had them built at the Magnepan Factory and shipped directly to Santiago, CHILE.

They are sitting in my music room !!

Now I need to put them into working status...very eager !

Could you please help me with some Amp alternatives ? to drive them .

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,


Bryston and Magnepan are like peanut butter and jelly.  OK corny but true.   A bit pricey for used but maybe just buy an old 4B from on here they are out of warranty then you are in your price range.  I would also buy that used BP26 and MPS2 because at 1600 bucks you need those.  Hell yeah Bryston is great gear.  Who else does a 20 year warranty?  Better yet they are great folks too and willing to chat about their gear which is always nice if you feel like chatting.  Buy buy buy
Oh and BTW the 4BSST and the BP20 and MPS1 I am using in my second system with these LRS is kick butt.  Rock and roll the bass is back but you gotta know how to place them and frankly I do.  I got the Mag fever and I know the cure.
I have Magnepan 1.7i.  Avoid Schiit Vidar. I tried those and one went into thermal protection. Then switched to Bryston. Journey over. I had one then two of the 4B3s used as monoblocks. That’s all you need. I later got an amazing deal on a pair of 28B3s. So that is what I have driving my Magnepan 1.7i speakers now. So much head room for dynamics and transients. What I would also recommend are the MyeStands from Grant VanderMye. Also the Mike Powell fuse and jumper upgrade. With those you will be all set. You will have tighter and better bass and crisper cymbals. Enjoy!