Paradigm persona vs. Monitor audio Platinum

Just listen to the paradigm persona 7h.the monitor audio Platinum 300 generation two are so much more three-dimensional and open it's not even funny the paradigm sounded very two-dimensional compared to the monitors that MPD Tweeter puts the beryllium Tweeter to shame.
No Ricredi we are not always going to be right. We do have opinions after listening and testing a ton of gear. 

We actually like your responses which tend to be balanced,  Urbie and or Bo are ridiculous posters.

We would never claim brand x is the only path to nirvanah or only brand x sounds good and correct which is why we sell Kef, Dali, Elac, Legacy,Quad, ATC, as well as Paradigm.

We have never said any of our products are better than anyone elses. We have said that a well setup pair of Personas do some things extremely well and they like the Kef Blades can challenge some of the $60K speakers most likely the Monitor Audio Pl 500 may as well. 

One major point between Monitor and Paradigm is that Paradigms are frequently demonstrated on Anthem electronics at shows. 

We are Anthem dealers and the Str electronics are excellent for the price but world class they are not which is why we demostrate our 9Hs with $50k worth of T+A electronics because if you go to most high end stores comparable speakers like Wilson or Magico are usually demoed with similar levels of quality.

We question how good a  $35k pair of speakers is going to sound with a pair of speakers sandwiched betweem them with a wall of glass behind them in the front of an open room as one dealer in Canada has them being fed by a $1500 streamer? Pic found via Google search.

Do you think any serious speaker system is going to sound great with a wall of glass behind them?

Or the first time we heard  them at a dealer who sells mostly mid fi gear and played a $35k speakers on a $3k int amp?

Monitor Audio at shows are matched by the dealers with very good electronics which are frequently much more expensive than the Anthem gear.

Hence our summation of your more likely to hear Monitor Audio with Luxman or Rowland gear.
Also audio Troy which Vancouver dealer are you talkin about? I didn't listen to the speakers in the front display room I listen to them in a dedicated sound must think I'm pretty stupid. I've been doing this for 40 years.And anytime you want to come and visit Vancouver and come over and listen to my system I'll be happy to entertain you and then you'll see how good the platinum's are and how much better they are than the paradigm
Actually audio Troy how am I ridiculous because I'm telling the truth on what I heard. I really don't care what you think, but that's what I heard and that's what I say so if you don't like it too bad.
And if you give me the name of your store. I'll be happy to phone you and talk to you in person.
Hey Ricred, got a question for you, have you found any other speaker that you would trade your platinum five hundreds in on that you like better?