And George if your main pleasure in life now is jumping for joy because a thread has been removed.....
Nuff said really.
Nuff said really.
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
uberwaltz ... +1 I’ve been on this planet much longer than most. Grew up as a street kid and got knocked around a lot. Had my first full-time job when I was twelve. These experiences, plus fifty years in a commissioned sales career, gave me the ability to read the intentions of other people. So, I’ve had a lot of time to make certain observations about my fellow humankind. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that a person who constantly treats others shabbily, is abusive toward others, and/or relishes being a bully, really doesn’t feel good about themselves. They have a darkened soul. I consider it a form of insanity. Why? Because sane people treat others in the way they would like to be treated themselves. It has also been my observation that there is a cure for that malady. An instant cure if one is humble enough to seek it. :-) Take care ... Frank |
You have been told by so many known techs here with electronic knowledge that’s beyond your pay grade, that your telling the non technical members here to do something dangerous with these mains fuses, it's only time before someone gets hurt. Plus your much more than just a SR fuse junkie as well, as you push anything else voodoo SR makes, it’s funny that you hardly mention other brands in the same glowing "light" as the SR products you hammer home here on Audiogon.? It’s all there in your history, if members want to search. The only one with a "darkened soul" is you. |
georgehifi ... “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ___ Nikola Tesla “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.” ___ Nikola Tesla Start doing some serious soul-searching, George. You'll be a better man for it. With love ... Frank |