Most annoying post period

"The most annoying song period".
The OP's original statement was  "The most annoying song period", even though the post was titled  "The most annoying post period".  I'm assuming he meant that the most annoying post was one that asked about the most annoying song.
@elizabeth exactly your point cover the question in this thread. It is developing more and more to be a club of angry selfproclaimed personal jesuses. These will probably claim their right of free speach etc. And add “just skip to the next post.....”. My question is if the AG moderators are to soft? Why do they allow obvious stupid posts at all? There must be a limit if AG want to be considered as a serious fora? What sticks in my mind is that the sales adds consist of medium and up quality equiptment but the questions point in the other direction. How come?
Appearenty, this thread was sorely needed for some to vent. Hopefully, it won't be deleted?