Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Well, I had a graduation party last weekend at my house for a friend, and his 3 year old saw some shiny gold bits on my speakers. Guess what happened next... ;)

So, one of the audax tweeters has some pretty sizeable dimples in it now. Luckily I don't think the voicecoil was damaged. It still works, and I've consulted Eric about how to proceed. I guess I can partially disassembled it without too much trouble and try to push the dome back into shape from the reverse side, then reassemble and reinstall. I'm gonna give it a go. If that doesn't work well, replacement diaphragm and voice coil should only cost $30-40 instead of $110 for replacing the entire driver.

In the meantime, it's been interesting listening to it this way. It's clear the dispersion pattern is messed up, and the two speakers have a little different frequency response. However, it doesn't sound as bad as I would have thought. Having the eminence driver go up as high as it does, it really does carry the majority of the information, and the midrange is still fully intact.
Had the Zu's... HORRIBLE speakers. Huge flat spot in the midrange freq. Not sure how anyone could listen to these and like them.
I was able to take apart the driver according to Eric's instructions and push out the dents in the dome. It's not perfect, but pretty close. Driver's back in place and working well at this point. I will probably want to replace the diaphragm and voice coil at some point, but not vital at this point.
Just curious does anyone know about the Emotiva Lounge 8.3 and how they might compare to the Lores? They look like a nice speaker at a good price.