Tube types

Hi all
My Octave HP700 pre uses, amongst others, a Telefunken ECC88. Can I use an E188CC? 
If not why?
Am I right in thinking the E88CC is far superior to the ECC88?

@rodman99999  thank you. I'll certainly take a look. I guess tube rolling could potentially be rather expensive in order to find the best combination 

Have you guys found that switching to premium tubes has been a significant improvement?
I have tried many makes & variations of this tube, including the CCa and recommend the Matsushita 7DJ8 as an great performer at a reasonable price.
The Telefunken E88CC has much longer life (10,000 hrs vs 2000 hrs) and sounds fuller and smoother than the ECC88.  I had ARC SP-9 MKII and MKIII.  The E88CC sounded better in the MKIII, the ECC88 better in the MKII.  
"Have you guys found that switching to premium tubes has been a significant improvement?"       Absolutely!     Less painful, when you only need one.