Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I'm about to sell my Merlin TSM-MMi's in favor of the Tekton Lore/Lore-S. I listen mainly to modern jazz, heavy metal, and prog rock. The Merlins are unbelievable when it comes to purely acoustic music, vocals, coherency, tone, and imaging. However, when it comes to heavier rock and metal, they fall short. They lack the impact for that type of music and aren't the most forgiving speakers in the world.

I currently have a Cary SLI-80 F1, All Triode edition but also will be trying to get my hands on a Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2 LFPV to run the Lores. Any opinions?

Also what's the main differences between the Lore & Lore-S? Anybody in the RI area with these speakers?
I'm seriously contemplating selling my Merlin TSM-MMi's in favor of the Lore/Lore-S. These speakers really sound like my cuppa. I listen to mostly modern jazz and metal. The Merlins absolutely shine with jazz, anything acoustic, and vocals but fall way short with any type of heavy rock. The Tektons sound like they do well with both. Will initially be running them with a Cary SLI-80 F1 but also plan on going the low-powered SS route as well. Maybe the RWA 30.2 LFP-V or some Class A SS.

Any owners in the Rhode Island area?
The Mundorf SiO cap upgrade for the Lore's is $625. That's a bigtime price for speaker that sells for $1000. Has anyone had experience with it yet? Is it really worth $625?
There's a user who did his own replacement with Mundorf SIO caps, I believe with Pendragons, and said it was immediately evident and great improvement. I haven't seen anything about doing so with Lores, but I would expect similar. It's hard to say whether it's worth it - I don't have experience swapping capacitors and thus don't know how much change to expect. I have explored the cost of swapping to Mundorf SIO on my own, and the capacitors involved cost about $600 for the pair of speakers. Eric isn't making money on the crossover upgrades - it's just that the Mundorf SIO's in the values involved cost that much.