Active isolation; what can it do for music reproduction?

i was involved in a thread about stylus drag on turntables where my use of active isolation came up. it was asked for me to discuss my views and use of this approach for system optimization. i mentioned it likely needed it's own thread to do justice to the topic. here it is.

excuse me if i get too basic here to begin with. i've not seen this subject discussed in depth on Audiogon before.

active isolation devices use piezoelectric sensors in 6 axis to sense resonance and piezoelectric actuators in 6 axis to compensate for that resonance. in essence it's a feedback loop of read and compensate.

passive devices are more or less springs to one degree or another. springs float, settle and overshoot. active devices are relatively stiff; 500 times stiffer than passive since they can STOP and START. passive can't stop and start. you do see passive devices with automatic leveling, but otherwise they can only act passively as a spring. 

an example of an active device; the Herzan TS Series;

the limitations of active devices are mainly as follows; 

---they are only really effective under 200hz.
---in stock form they typically have signal path corrupting switch mode power supplies.
---to be effective they need a solid base. which means a solid rack grounded to a solid concrete floor. suspended wood floors, or non-solid racks are going to compromise the performance.
---the gear being isolated cannot have it's own self resonance that might excite the active sensors. and not every piece of gear will benefit from active isolation. so active is very system context dependent. you can't just use it anywhere and expect a particular result.

there are very very good passive devices that approach what an active device can do; the Minus K, Stacore platforms, and Vibraplance are three popular examples. i'd recommend investigating these before considering any active devices. those examples do need the same solid floor and rack as active to be effective.

and another consideration is a passive isolation rack; the best example i can give is the Artesania decoupling rack systems. likely the best passive rack. again; a solid floor is going to allow the Artesania to perform at it's best.

finally; there is a website tutorial which can really get granular with deeper levels of information on active devices for those interested.

lastly i will say that active devices are something you consider when you've mostly done everything else you can do and want to take things further. cross otherwise impossible thresholds of performance. you have a system that is where you want it to be. active is the bleeding edge. it will allow the music to escape the confines of resonance in a way nothing else can do. it's just physics.
Three things. Isolation platforms are not (rpt not) limited to 200 Hz. The way they work is that as vibration frequency goes up so does isolation effectiveness. Thus, for a 3 Hz passive platform the effectiveness at 10 Hz is about 50%, at 20 Hz about 90% and over 30 Hz at least 99.9%. Passive devices have a 6 dB per octave slope for the mechanical low pass filter. It follows that the lower the Fr of the device the more effective the isolation will be throughout the frequency range (of the vibration). The low pass filter has a hyperbolic function.

Two, as we now know from the Townshend speaker passive isolation video on YouTube, mass-on-spring iso platforms reduce vibrations on the platform itself, including those produced by acoustic waves. So, the iso platform is a two-way device. 🔛 As I’ve oft pointed out the top plate of the iso device can be damped using one-way devices to improve the evacuation of energy from the top plate.

Three, the audio signal is affected by vibration wherever you find it, wiring, capacitors, printed circuit boards, electron tubes, transistors, power supplies, power cords, fuses, etc. Therefore isolating as much as you can - everything - has it’s advantages
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what i said was that the ’active’ part of the resonance attenuation is most effective under 200hz. there is still passive attenuation going on. purely passive isolation platforms ’in general’ work differently.

try as they might....passive platforms cannot STOP and START....they settle, overshoot, and float. they are springs. or they provide impedance breaks....or mass loading...or combinations of those attributes.

understand i have lots of passive resonance attenuation in my system and am a true believer in it. active is reserved for where i can justify it.

The vibration isolation performance of every TS table allows research instruments to maximize their resolution by removing ambient vibration noise from affecting their data. Essentially, any instrument sensitive to vibration noise less than 5 Hz can greatly benefit from the unique technology found within a TS Series table.

  • Active vibration isolation from 0.7 – 1,000 Hz
  • Passive vibration isolation from 1,000 Hz and beyond
  • 90% vibration isolation at 3.5 Hz
  • 99% vibration isolation at 10 Hz
  • 99.9 vibration isolation at 20 Hz and beyond
  • Up to 55 dB of vibration reduction beyond 20 Hz

A point that should be made is isolation is the long-term path to higher ultimate sound quality, "tuning" limited to short-term gains, but ultimately a ceiling, or dead end.