Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I'm in the process of upgrading the crossovers, and need a little advice.

I was curious about the zobel, the crossover I recieved from Eric has a zobel, but is 5.6uf and a 3ohm resistor. I believe the zobel you guys talked about is a 4uf and an 8ohm resistor. Now is it a replacement for what's there or is it put in parallel with what's there? Or would you leave well enough alone?

Did you guys experement with extra damping material, what did you use and what where the effects?

And as a side note, I'm not going with the mundorf sio yet... I can definatly see why they are suggested, I think they would be synergistic with this speaker, but alas finances at this point. Anybody try any PIO, I'm going to try Russian KBG first and possibly try bypass with SSG Silver Mica.
Just want to comment on the KBG crossovers with SSG's bypassing them...Oh wow there's resolution, and more natural sounding too, everything sounds more real, more organic. The bass is tighter and much more defined, I've never heard the zing of the round wound bass strings on Blue Rodeo's 5 days in may! There's so much more detail. More soundstage information and images are clearer defined. Albeit the soundstage depth has not improved, but again it is more defined, the back details are brought to where the soundtage existed before. There's more drum stick on cymbals and dryer violins resonating with better seperation in orchestral. Horns, vocals, drums, piano all sound more real. Highly recomended upgrade for a budget.

I might try it without the SSG's later on but I have a feeling that's were allot of the detail is comming from.

Now to experiment with the Zobel a little. If you put the specs into a zobel calculator it comes to 8.61ohm and 14.11uf, that's much larger than 8ohm and 4uf or the 3ohm and 5.6uf already in the crossover.
Eric just announced my SE Pendragons will be with m in a week.
Eric new custom drivers and he now has some New crossover
Additions tell this will be very good.i have modded crossovers for years
The new Duelund resistors are the best by far Ever made,and the Munorf Silver oil are special. Through the grapevine Eric has also got his hands
On the hot new Jupiter- HT flat stack caps to compare to really shake up
He competition he Jantzen Copper Copper coils he uses are excellent.
These SE uses custom Seas Mid- Woofers,and the 3 tweeters are the very
Good Scanspeak - ring radiator from their upper discovery line.
Zu speaker ,are not ,accurate bloated bass,and get this -charge $2k
For custom paint. Eric will do any color depending on complexity
For $350- $650 .Eric is a very good honest guy ,and a great guy for the
Working Audiophiles out there.
Scutterflux (or anyone with hands-on experience with changing out crossovers, caps, resistors, etc.):

I suppose it depends on the speaker, but specifically with the Tektons, how difficult is it to change out these components? If one doesn't like the change, how close is reverting back to stock going to get one back to the original sound? It seems to me that replacing components back and forth is still a change from its original configuration. Kind of like the Heidenberg principle...