to Ys I bought the older model it is still pooly made the rectifier section blew out on mine as well as a few other people I have spoke with my uncle is a master technician
over 40 years in the field and he stated there are
elementary principles that were overlooked such as 10x the needed voltage should be min for a rectifier ,you put in the smallest cheap ones .My uncle has a phd in audio and electrical engineering from Worcster polytech in Mass if that doesnot quality than nothing does. Get back to basics
then your units would be bullit proof !!
over 40 years in the field and he stated there are
elementary principles that were overlooked such as 10x the needed voltage should be min for a rectifier ,you put in the smallest cheap ones .My uncle has a phd in audio and electrical engineering from Worcster polytech in Mass if that doesnot quality than nothing does. Get back to basics
then your units would be bullit proof !!