Replacement for Duntech Opals (lost in fire)

Hello, I recently lost a pair of Duntech Opal speakers in a fire, and am trying to determine what a reasonable replacement would be so I can go to my insurance company with my homework done. You can find more information about the speakers here:

Any suggestions for speakers that provide comparable performance? Pricing info would be helpful as well (I do live in Canada which may complicate things).

Thanks for any help you can provide! 
Good luck! I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that no one in your family was injured, and that nothing of irreplaceable sentimental value was lost.
Thank you! Fortunately it was a garage fire and we were away at the time. So everyone is ok! The speakers were in storage since we had moved recently. 
Bummer detonation. Nevertheless, it's wonderful no one was hurt in the fire. For value (and a data-point), you may want to check out "hifishark" to see if any Duntech Opal speakers have recently been sold.