Steely Dan's "Two Against Nature" on vinyl?

Was "Two Against Nature" ever released on vinyl? Am I searching in vain, or did I somehow just miss it? If it's never been available, is there any reason to believe that it one day will be? Thanks.
I purposely did not read the link posted above before I listened to my copy. My copy sounds crisp, with very easy to follow bass lines, and does not break up or sound thin when the volume is turned up.
$305 cheapest record right now on Discogs.
Good news on the remaster.
I paid $5 for USA cassette on Giant, sounds darn good to me.
Sorry for being late to reply.  A quick Google search will find that there is
no authorized vinyl of Two Against Nature.  That is not to say that there
could be some very good unauthorized pressings out there.

It was a busy day at Masterdisk so I was fortunate to hear about half of the title track.  Scott mentioned that it was going to come out as a two record set of which three sides will be Two Against Nature. That is to give the cutting lathe plenty of room to work with and not going too close to the center of the record.  The fourth side content has not been determined yet. 

As to label and release date I didn't ask.  But next time I'm over there I will. 
As to label and release date I didn't ask. But next time I'm over there I will.

Thanks for the update!  Please keep us informed.