Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.

My Coincident Victory highly efficient speakers are at a 14 Ohm requirement.  I stream music using bluetooth through Tidal, but have agonized over amplification now using a Teac 301 Al D integrated amp with built in DAC and Bluetooth.  A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more.  In addition, I don’t want to spend a ton of money.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks much. 
97 (or even 94) dB sensitivity is VERY efficient.
I would characterize 97 as the high end of moderate efficiency and 94 in the median of moderate, with 90 at the bottom. 89dB this at the higher end of low efficiency, and 97-98dB at the lower end of higher efficiency as there are speakers that are 107dB 1 watt/1meter...
just some data points for respected hgih end speakers:
Vandersteen 2 - 90dbTotem 88dbMaggie 7s 86 dbVienna mozart 90db

are there speaker at 107? Probably.  But its rare and suggests it was optimized for other than sound
are there speaker at 107? Probably.
Such will be horn-loaded. The Hartstfield loudspeaker, which uses JBL components, is quite respected and is 105dB.
Thanks for all your help.  The knowledge displayed on Audiogon is way beyond my modest intellectual abilities.  I do love music though, and I know when equipment is providing a musical experience that transports. That is a special, transcendental moment.  That is why, with my audiophile desire contradicted by my handicapped knowledge base, I need the input of the audigon community.  I thank you and please keep the suggestions coming.