Why pay so much?

If you want to think cables make a huge difference in sound fine...but why pay up to $70,000 for speaker wire?

You can buy 38 lbs of 99.99% bullion silver for $10,000 or 4000 lbs of 99.99% bullion copper.

Buying a pair of 12 foot $5,000 wire is obserd it costs like $30 to make and WBT connectors are also highly inexpensive to make too.

Why do you guys shell out money on a clear fact that you guys are insecure about using low priced stuff and these people know that and take advantage of that.

How do you guys let yourself taken advantage of?
I’m just saying, that it’s a herd like mentality. That if several people are willing to pay $1,000-50,000 for wiring that companies will sprout up to take advantage of consumers fears that they aren’t hearing the music and movies the way they supposed to.
If no one would shell out $30,000 for the high end Audioquests Dragon Zero and Bass, they wouldn’t disappear like how your favorite fast food company would disappear if they had to cut margins 99%. They would be out of business in 1 week.
But if the hifi crowd refused to spend money on anything that weren’t 100% margins or less - there would still be AudioQuest Dragon Zero and Bass, they’d just charge $300 instead of $30,000.
They can afford to not have these margins. For the ignorant audiophile ( no offense - just a lack of knowledge and information and understanding of whats going on), they don’t know this. And would many companies close doors?
But do you need 1,000+ wiring companies? Or just a few good ones.
Because if you guys weren’t willing to fork over your wallet for "hearing beyond just the notes" of music, the hifi cables wouldn’t disappear, they’d just be affordable. Because where there is a market, there 100% of the time nearly there is a product.

Now what do you have to say to that glupson?
In good fun.
If those companies close doors, where would the workers go?

You are working with the premise that people who buy "expensive" cables do not want to pay. Some people do.

Actually, I would bet that nobody who buys such cables minds paying for them. It is not that cable companies are going door to door and are making people buy cables at gunpoint. Buyers come to them.

Just do not buy "expensive" cables and you have done your part in rectifying this horrible injustice in the Universe. At some point, we will all follow and sleazy companies will be out of business. The future is yours although in the present you are a little too radical.
The same thing goes for eveything in audio. Speakers? The really good ones uses 3rd party drivers. The crossovers, drivers and cabinets cost to build cost under $500 for even the 200 lb monsters. Do the best speaker drivers that costs a few dollars to make deserve to be $100-250?
Heck yeah, that’s research and development. But the cost of designing a speaker and the crossover designs...people design these in their garages and basements for free for free. They don’t deserve 5,000%+ margins. If people weren’t willing to shell out $50,000 for Accuton Driver based speakers? They’d drop to $2,500, and they’d still make bank. The cost to build a speaker is cheap, and only the drivers deserve a high price for research and development, but the best speakers in the world shouldn’t cost more than $3,500. But, I get you have these quad diamond tweeter and quad diamond midrange 1,000 lb monoliths, those are probably $10k.
Would the market shrink from. 1,000+ companies to like 5 or 6? Just like the TV industry? Yeah, and it’d still work with many people making a lot of money. When there’s a market, there’s a product.
Same for receivers, processors and amplifiers.
That all cost under $100 to make.

You guys looking for the high end, screw yourselves out of it, by be willing to pay these companies products in their weight in Gold. Sometimes literally, lol.
Glupson - I do believe that was a ridiculous rebuttal, lol.

You just said you think people are willing to be ripped of and like it.

If you asked people if they would be willing to get their wiring for 99% off? 99% of people would say the affirmative, H*** Yeah.

You’re socialized entitlement based theory of giving cable companies gifts to "feel better" I do believe is ridiculous.

5 or 6 companies that charge no more than $300 for 10 foot wiring, and that would be crazy exotic speaker wiring and the best of the best, they’d still make hand over fist since they’d cost $30 to make, and that’s 1,000% margins.

I think 99% of the audio world would say they are okay with this.

And the fact that people are willing to knock on doors to get these ridiculously priced wiring is the exact fact of why they charge these prices.  Because people are willing to do this.

I think I've made a pretty solid, air tight argument for affordable audio.

I think you're in the minority in opposing my theory.

In fact, I think people will find what you're saying is ridiculous.
No offense.  Just giving you a heads up.
Would the market shrink fro. 1,000+ companies to like 5 or 6?
Would you really want that? How about shrinking from 5-6 to 1-2?

"The cost to build a speaker is cheap..............but the best speakers in the world shouldn’t cost more than $3,500."
Did you include the price of a garage, tools, all the wasted material while you are perfecting a skill, time, injuries? For some of us, buying a finished speaker is the cheapest option. Even at whatever price you deem exorbitant.

Same for recievers, processors, and amplifiers.

On top of that all, what else would people do with their money? Invest to make more that they are not allowed to spend so they do not support the greed of some cable company?

Spread the wealth, man. Do not let it concentrate in hands of a select few. Buy cables from different companies.