Top vintage receivers vs. modern high-end equipment

I am considering pairing an old amplification system to my JBL Paragon -- the idea of getting an all vintage system is very attractive to me. Among other things, I am looking into classics such as the Pioneer 1980 receiver or the Marantz 2600. Does anyone have direct experience in comparing this kind of equipment (very high-end but 40 years ago) to current high-end equipment, imagine an integrated Pass Lab amplifier? How do they stack up? Thank you. 
I say go for it.  Vintage equipment can sound fantastic.  It also tends to appreciate in value and almost always looks cool.  I have a Marantz 2285b reciever that i had recapped and it sounds fantastic.  It's firmly on the warm side of neutral but you can listen to it all day.  My PrimaLuna HP integrated is much more detailed and has much better imaging but i like them both equally.
In my effort to get some high efficiency speakers for my newplace I bought some JBL Hartfields. They are powered up by McIntosh MX110 pre and a McIntosh225 amp. Sounds delicious and are a pure delight to listen to. MX110 has tape input, tuner and two inputs for vinyl.
I've serviced a bit of vintage gear and one thing I've noticed is that quite often if you really want the solid state stuff to work properly its going to cost a lot to make it happen- often more than tube gear. This is because there are a lot more electrolytic caps in both the power supplies and the signal path and in addition to that, the semiconductors often don't meet spec anymore due to corrosion.

I'd not realized until recently how insidious that last bit is- semiconductors gradually lose their Hfe (gain transconductance) and can become noisy or spitty. These days finding subs that actually work in the design can be challenging as there are so many counterfeits on ebay and the like.  A few days ago I had an amp that only made about 1/2 power before clipping- but it was caused by voltage and driver transistors simply having degraded to the point that the amp didn't have enough gain for the feedback to work properly at full power. This was after I had literally replaced all the electrolytics in sight. That amp was allegedly working when purchased! Yet it turned out the repairs were far more than the amp was worth fully rebuilt.

So (counter-intuitively)  its actually easier to properly refurbish tube equipment as a result.
New products especially solid state 
are much better then old technology receivers ,transistors, resistors,power supplies have much lower distortions 
due to modern advancement in technologies, and much tighter lower distortion levels.
Guys I'm desperately trying to make the best choice of the receiver from the 70s for heavy metal and rock especially. I love the raw detailed sound and more high sound. 

—Sharp Optonica sm 3000 and higher
Pioneer SA-9900
—Kenwood- ka 9100
—Sansui au 9900
—Yamaha b2 and c2 preamp 

also what can u say about Revox? 

Can u add or suggest something? I'm using acoustic JBL 4312, Pioneer s922