Recommend speakers for a large living room

Hi, I am moving to a new apartment with a large living room (38" x 23", plus a dining area & kitchen). I am planning to have 2 different sitting areas given the size. Here is a picture of the floor-plan:

Everything is wood floors except on the blue squares where I plan to put carpet. I’ve been thinking of using omni-directional speakers (German Physiks Borderland) given the area is large and there are multiple listening locations. But I’d like to get some recommendations & also some ideas of where it would be best to place the speakers - so far my idea is to put them on the red circles.

My budget for speakers is ~$50,000.


PMC - Perfect for any large space.
I don't understand why so many are stuck in the past and ignore the most advanced Dynamic speakers in the world. Every aspect of reproduction makes PMC  superior. I could go on & on but why don't you just have a listen to one of there larger models like MB2 SE.
You owe it to yourself to check them out and peruse their website thoroughly! Just see the users list......
I sell them up here in Canada so I'm definitely bias....
I do have a stereo system in a living room of similar size. I can’t recommend specific speaker model but will echo previous comments about room treatment (and subwoofers). The biggest issue at the moment at my home is taming the room. Spend some thought and money into treating your room and you will gain much more than you can get from the different components at this price level.
Sam Laufer at Laufer Technik is working on a new line array speaker called The Note that is supposed to tackle both of the primary issues you have: excellent 180 degree radiation with stable imaging, and large room oomph. They need to be paired with good subs, but that’s probably a good solution for your space as well. Information is just starting to Trickle out about them. I am considering a pair for a 23’ x 55’ space that has placement issues as well. I just heard he will be at the nyc audio show in a few weeks demoing them. 

Thanks for the answer. I guess I narrowed your location to a few blocks as I was imagining SoHo. I really do not think places of that composition exist outside SoHo, Tribeca, or maybe a few more spots on the island. I am sorry that I have no useful advice. Others do.

Have you tried Lyric HiFi? They are in Manhattan, they say they do custom installations, they do cary very fine equipment, so, hopefully, they have encountered similar situations. Same goes for Innovative Audio.
I have a similarly large space.  35x30x18 high with mostly glass to the east, winding staircase to the north side with a balcony overhead, open to the southern direction to the kitchen and the west wall under the balcony overhead is all stone with a fireplace.  It's a very convoluted area to say the least.

I have a pair of Bryston Model T signature fully active speakers, however I am running them with the heavy duty PX1 external crossovers.  I have three subs spaced evenly around the perimeter to the sides and back, one is the Bryston Model T sub with three 8 inch drivers, the other two are made by Axiom Audio (who builds all of the Bryston speakers).  One is the EP800V4 and the EP500V4.   

If you are a full bodied type of listener, that is you enjoy powerful dynamic, super clean music; these speakers will impress you.  If you took it up a notch and added three amps each to both the left and right main speakers with the Bryston fully active crossover, it will take it to a whole new level.  I am not sure you can do all of this within your budget, but if you skip the 6 amps and just do what I am doing, you'll still be very pleased.