Why does my old CD player sound so much better than my new streamer?

Earlier this year I upgraded my system. Briefly, new Prima Luna Dialogue Premium HP integrated, new Lumin D2 streamer/DAC, kept my Tekton speakers, bought a 10 year old Muse Erato CD player, new Nordost Red Dawn cables all around.  After plenty of break in, the Lumin D2 streaming Tidal, even 24/96, does not sound close to as good as the Muse Erato.  I understand the Muse was about $10k new years ago, I paid $650 for it on Audiogon, is that the difference? It replaced my Naim I had for 20+ years and I bought it on the chance I want to listen to something not on Tidal, but now I'm going to CDs when I want to sit and listen instead of streaming. I considered upgrading to the Lumin T2, but will that be more of the same Lumin sound, which is accurate but thin and a little cold compared to the Muse.  I like the Lumin when just letting Tidal shuffle music as I move around the house, but from the opening note in an A/B test the Muse just sounds so much warmer, live and simply more enjoyable. Any thoughts or suggestions?
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bo1972"Lumin products which are new, get a 24-month full guarantee."
Of course Lumin is a qualified, quality, respected manufacturer of compoenents for Music Reproduction Systems and so they warrantee their products diligently.

"We are responsible for the parts which are modified."
Right the company will not honor the warrantee read it for yourself!!! "Source Systems, Ltd, in the USA will not service product under warranty that have been opened by end-users, modified or altered. "
We sell new products, it is always our responsibility. When something happens it needs to be sent back to us. But so far we never had anything back what was modified. We only had 2 D2’s which got a new mainboard. What was paid and repaired by Audio Service.

We give all clients a 24-month guarantee on all modifications. In the US it is the same deal. When something happens it needs to be sent back.

When a Lumin has no guarantee anymore, we still give a 24-month guarantee on the modification.


jealous people do crazy things all the time like clearthink does."

I am hardly jealous of you're compromised, second-rate efforts to modify, alter, and improve the performance of excellent equipment and I am not jealous of you're convoluted, incessant, illogical and hatefilled attacks on myself and others members of this forum who do not acknowledge you're superiority with Music Reproduction equipment and if you continue with these attacks perhaps it is time that I visit you're store again and remind you of who I am.