To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

The number of 100,000 fancy fuses is a composite across the top three fuse companies. I prefer not to divulge my sources. You need to work on your batting average. 

- your humble narrator and consummate Audio Insider
It is not only WHAT You said, it is YOUR EXACT WORDS

geoffkait17,730 posts
10-25-2019 6:53pm
There you go again putting words in my mouth, Mr. Marty Pants 👖. I never said any such thing. Maybe you should try keeping a log. In fact what I said somewhere along the line is that energy is a scalar quantity, which means it has no direction. Follow?

- geoffkait's exact words below. Cut and pasted from his post

"You can ignore the current traveling in the direction away from the speakers, I.e., toward the wall, since that direction of current flow is not (rpt not) audible. The only direction that’s audible for any wire is the one toward the speakers. It is the speakers that ultimately produce the sound you hear. So, it’s the “quality” of the current traveling toward the speakers that is the issue. That’s why fuses sound better in one direction, worse in the other direction in AC circuits and DC circuits. As Old Blue Eyes sez, that’s life. "

Uh, those aren’t even close to my words, Mr. Wiki. Current is not energy. They don’t even have the same units. Hel-loo! Why do you insist on putting words in my mouth? You realize that’s an illogical argument, don’t you?
Oh look, more of YOUR exact words saying exactly the same thing ... 

geoffkait17,732 posts
10-19-2019 4:18pm

440 posts10-19-2019 3:26pmFrom SR:
Electricity should flow from the left to the right when you view the fuse.
A/C current changes direction every cycle. The supreme idiocy of the statement: what if I view end on??? 

>>>>While that’s true, and for virtually all cables and power cords - the current alternates. 🔛 But you can ignore 😳 the current when it’s traveling in the direction toward the wall outlet. 🔜  The only direction we care about is the one that drives the speakers. That’s the direction that is audible.

Whether you remember writing them or not 332, sorry Geoff Kait, those are, and were YOUR exact words. Claim all you want that those are not your exact words, but they are.

geoffkait17,732 posts10-13-2019 7:51amibmjunkman
OK, I am totally confused. You guys saying you use these fuses in AC circuits?

From their web site:
A: Yes, fuses are directional. Electricity should flow from the left to the right when you view the fuse. If you do not know the direction of flow you should listen to the fuse inserted in both directions. One direction will sound more detailed. This is the correct way.

I thought AC changed directions 60 times a second?

>>>>>Thanks for bringing that up. Actually most audio fuses happen to be in AC circuits. It’s true current changes direction on the wire according to where the fuse is located. If the fuse is located where power comes into the CD player, preamp or amp or whatever it changes 60 times per second. But if the fuse is located in the speaker the current changes according to frequencies of the audio waveform. Thus the current at the fuse in the speaker changes 20 to 20,000 times per second - or more or less. If the fuse is in a DC circuit obviously current is unidirectional.

You can ignore the current traveling in the direction away from the speakers, I.e., toward the wall, since that direction of current flow is not (rpt not) audible. The only direction that’s audible for any wire is the one toward the speakers. It is the speakers that ultimately produce the sound you hear. So, it’s the “quality” of the current traveling toward the speakers that is the issue. That’s why fuses sound better in one direction, worse in the other direction in AC circuits and DC circuits. As Old Blue Eyes sez, that’s life.