If you're looking for the highest performance/price class D amp and don'[t mind buying used, I think the Merrill Audio Veritas monoblocks are a great option to consider. Reviews on these amps claim they're among the best performing amps available regardless of amp type or price. They sold new a few years ago for $12,000/pair but I've recently seen numerous ads from owners with an average asking price of about $5,000/pair.
Merrill audio recently came out with a new lineup of Element amps utilizing extremely fast switching GaN transistors that virtually eliminate 'dead-time' which significantly reduces distortion and improves sound quality. These include the Element 114 which is a stereo amp priced at $15,000 and 2 monoblocks, the Element 116 and Element 118 priced at $23,000 and $36,000/pair respectively.
I'm thinking the reason numerous ads are appearing for used pairs of Veritas amps is due to current owners of Veritas monoblocks planning on buying one of the Element amps and are selling their Veritas monoblocks in preparation. I strongly believe you'll prefer the sound quality performance of the Veritas amps over the Cherry amps but I can't know this with certainty. Here's one of many good reviews on th Veritas: