Hello kgveteran,
Being a surgeon for over 40 years, I have developed a deep appreciation for accuracy, detail and precision. I’ve always strived to utilize the optimum instrument for every procedure, acutely realizing that utilizing the optimum instrument has the possible consequences of literally life or death.
In my 50 years of building and configuring my personal home audio/video systems, however, I’ve discovered that failing to utilize the optimum instruments in configuring and positioning my system transducers has possible consequences that are significantly less dire.
The truth is that there are at least two methods of optimally locating subs that individuals can utilize, the free crawl method I mentioned and the more expensive and technical method you mentioned.
Just as the Joker suggested to the Thief, there’s no reason for us to get excited, right? Individuals are rightly free to utilize either method or try both and adopt the configuration they perceive as best. Based on my experience, I can predict with confidence that the resulting sub room positions of the subs, no matter how many subs positioned, will not be significantly different and, more likely, will be remarkably similar.
Can we agree on this?