Symphony No. 5 in C Minor
Op. 67
Berliner Philharmoniker
Simon Rattle
Limited Edition 2017
This is a truly exceptional recording. I think it was Herb Rickert (sp?) that asserted it to be perhaps the finest recording (of anything) ever made. Single mike (array?) high above the conductor in their own hall. A true wonder.
This morning The 5th was quite a bit better at home on the system really than last night at the hall. We attended our Oregon Symphony’s performance (they were recording for a later CD release) at the Snitzer Concert Hall downtown. The space is problematic. Brass far too loud, violas on the left slanted to the back (naturally) undetectable, and an overall smear and pretty much no discernible soundstage (in a concert hall!). Its all a muddle with a huge alcove (for the choir) behind the stage where all harmonics go to die. Its a shame really. Years ago, before remodeling, when it was called the Paramount, we would go there to see Kiss, Alice Cooper, Rush, It was a cratering dump and it was great. Now i just long for the days when our symphony performed at our civic auditorium where the acoustics are still excellent. We caught the Oregon Ballet Theatre there the other night and the orchestra sounded wonderful.
I suppose I’ve been spoiled by my stereo....