I'm not salesman, just a senior audiophile and I have decided in recent months that I'll never go back to conventional AB
amps since its prehistoric technology going back 50 tears. The subject here is currently the worlds finest Class D amp in its price range and beyond, right behind Patrik Bostroms' massive Class D Marten M amplifier. I wouldn't waste my time with Brunos' Mola Mola Kaluga, since the Nuprime technology is newer and has moved further on. The Evolution One has technology that is a first in the industry. Ten years ago, the real problem with Class D amps and today as well, is that their transistor switching modulators operate at a frequency around 300khz which is to low causing feed back problems to the upper frequency's resulting in cold hard sound from the tweeter. Brunos' Kaluga switches at 500khz which is still not good enough, resulting in the Evoultion One being the only Class D amp in the world to switch modulate at 700khz. Also, the only Class D amp on the market with an input impedance of 1 million ohms. Phew! So the issue of working with different Preamps is redundant and completely irrelevant and will work perfectly with any Preamp on the market, tube or solid state. Their switching amps are custom designed in house and are patented. For those concerned about speaker 2 ohm impedance loads read the recent review in Totally Wired where the Monitor Audio Studio's were used and are 2 ohm loads and the amps ran cool. Also, legendary circuit engineer Demian Martin from Spectral has been an ongoing consultant for the company. 


Wow! George is back. I thought he left town. Very disrespectful to atmasphere. During the seventeen years as a member, I have never come across a member like you with such a childish temper. 

Na, no disrespect, just saying it how it is just like with you.
Both in shilling mode.
Class D r&d started back in 1958 then in the early 60's Sinclairs' Class D amps would blow up due to unstable switching, then as we know Spectron came out with a Class D amp in 1974 that made its way to CES with positive results. Class D amps are pure analog amps, but would be considered digital if the incoming signal routes to a DAC to convert the signal, then that would be a digital amplifier. Since D is just a category as Class A, AB, H, and G.
Yes- class D is an analog process. I was actually referring to digital audio in that earlier comment of mine. not class D. 20 years ago I couldn't listen to class D and digital has just started to get listenable. Now both are pretty good but IMO class D is still on a steeper part of the innovation curve.
The thread title is nothing but an attempt to troll.  It's no surprise the thread has gone into the ditch.