Help with hookup

Inherited some audio equipment. Hooking up a McIntosh mc2300 preamp to a McIntosh mc352 amp to a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers, but I don't get sound out of the speakers. I can hear when I plug in the headphones, so there is that. Any ideas?
Do you have a multi-meter? If you do then put the leads on the speaker posts and see if you get a reading . With music playing the meter will fluctuate!
The puzzling thing about all of this is, the power amp meters are responding to the signal from the preamp, so, the amp is receiving signal. It needs to be at the power amp, somewhere, or, the speakers themselves. I am with twoleftears and yogiboy, on this one....
ide hook a different amp (even an integrated if you don't have another power amp)to the speakers or different speakers to the amp to see which is not performing. my guess is either the connection between the power amp and speakers or the power amp itself. the preamp (and the link to the power amp)is good since the power amp gets signal and there is sound through headphones.
Hmm. Ok, I have a Audio Space tube amp I can try. I have to have to get it out to take pics of it to list it anyway and I know it works. Or maybe the Sony,it works too and is much lighter.  I can't believe I didn't just do that first. DUH. We are going to figure it out. Thanks for your expertise!
So, this morning when I was trying some things I found that when I had it hooked up to CDR the tuner on CDR and I turned it all the way up I could hear music in the amplifier but not the speaker,. So I tried to change out the cord to the speaker and that didn't make a difference. I will try different speakers and see if that is the problem and check the output terminals to see if they have something coming out of them. Sorry I don't know all the fancy words, but I think you get my drift. As always, thanks for any advice that you have!