Network Switches

Well my experience with optical connections has been they simply don’t sound as good. May be time to try it again? 

That old argument of miles and miles of this and that before our system is nonsense. Just nonsense. If it were true then nothing would matter in our audio rigs. Power cords, speakers, cables, caps, resistors, power supplies, conditioners, tweaks...,none of makes a difference because of the miles and miles of stuff before our system. Nuts! The last few inches even help!
@grannyring I am not sure if you are referring to the OPTICAL connection on a DAC or the OPTICAL I am referring to which is analogous to RJ45 Ethernet cable.
Understand. One would need to run optical inside the house .....between the walls etc... to use this medium. Correct? Or is it traditional ethernet cabling into one side of the new optical ready switch and optical out of the switch? My server does not accept optical? I guess I am confused as to how optical would work in many current systems. 

I agree, Ubiquiti is wonderful networking gear.  I’ve been using them for several years with great success.  I use the Switch 8 (150watt) a lot for central and local switches.  It works great to POE their standard Switch 8 or to deploy as a local fiber switch with their XG switches.  The UniFi Controller interface is excellent.